How to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 in Small and Enclosed Spaces

COVID-19 is a respiratory disease that transmits through the air when a person is exposed to droplets carrying the infectious virus and, as such, one of the best ways to control its spread is social distancing. However, in small and enclosed spaces where distancing from others is not possible, like elevators or public washrooms, other strategies should be applied instead. In that regard, the best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in small and enclosed spaces is to disinfect and sanitize these environments properly and frequently.

One of the main aspects that make small and enclosed spaces so risky is poor ventilation, which means that fresh air can’t flow freely inside and most of the air becomes stale. Improving ventilation by simply opening windows and doors whenever possible is then necessary as a first step to prevent the spread of diseases in these spaces. If ventilation is not an option,  then the use of facemasks should be mandatory for all people coming inside the space. Added to that, communication about the importance of physical distancing and hand hygiene should be reinforced.

Related: Proactively Preventing the Spread of Covid-19

Ventilation can be also achieved with certain equipment like air conditioners and even fans. Doing it this way won’t give you the same benefits as natural ventilation, which is providing healthy air for people to breathe by diluting and dispersing pollutants and contaminants from the space itself. Nonetheless, artificial ventilation can help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in indoor spaces by increasing the rate of air change and decreasing recirculation, and as well as reducing pockets of stagnant air in an enclosed space.

One of the downsides of artificial ventilation using fans and air conditioners is the fact that, even though it minimizes the duration of people’s exposure to any potentially infectious droplets produced by a cough or sneeze in the space; air blowing from an infected person to another in an enclosed space might increase the transmission of any virus. Therefore, surface and airborne disinfection seem to be the best approach when it comes to disinfecting small and enclosed spaces.

Airborne room disinfection in particular has been proven to effectively inactivate contaminants that cause acute respiratory infections, including bacterial spores. To achieve effective and long-lasting disinfection of the air, our recommendation is to use appropriate devices for these tasks, such as air filters and foggers. The former use innovative technologies to clean the air and the latter are able to take any disinfectant solution and turn it into millions of microscopic droplets that end up floating in the air long enough to disinfect it, making these devices incredibly efficient at controlling the spread of respiratory diseases like COVID-19.

Disinfecting Devices to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 in Small and Enclosed Spaces

We have specific recommendations for your different needs. When disinfecting small and enclosed spaces with poor ventilation, we have three small but powerful disinfectant foggers that are up to the task plus an air filtration device that is perfect for the job.

The first disinfecting device we recommend for surface and airborne disinfection in small and enclosed spaces is the Mini Thermal Fogger. It is a small, cost-effective, portable, and lightweight device that holds 200mL of disinfectant and emits a dry fog. Because of these features, this fogger is ideal for small and enclosed spaces with poor ventilation that need to be disinfected frequently to keep surfaces and the air inside both fresh and safe. It is also great for vehicles, households, small offices, and on-the-go needs; and since it offers a dry application, it can safely be used on electronics and most fabrics.

The second device we recommend is the Nano Atomizer, a compact fogger perfect to disinfect any small space that needs quick and easy disinfecting. This fogger allows you to thoroughly, quickly, and efficiently disinfect enclosed environments without scrubbing or wiping, and it disinfects the air too for complete sanitization. The way it works is by generating a dry fog that disinfects on contact, killing 99.99% of all viruses, especially when paired with a hospital-grade disinfectant solution.

Third, we strongly recommend the Mini Nano Sanitizer Sprayer. This device has the potential of becoming anyone’s go-to, pocket-sized sanitizer sprayer. It is ideal for disinfecting anything, anywhere, so you can use it for a quick spray when entering an enclosed space where ventilation and opportunities for social distancing are low such as in public washrooms, elevators, and small public spaces in general.

Last, but not least, we suggest the use of The Breeze, an air filtration device that easily destroys all contaminants in small spaces thanks to its combination of thoughtful design with powerful cleaning properties. It is a compact and lightweight machine easy to move from room to room, and its operation is as simple as turning it on and letting it operate, eliminating human error and decreasing labour costs. This device uses HydroClear Technology, harnessing the power of UV light to generate hydroxyls that kill pathogens efficiently and continuously in occupied spaces, leaving behind no residue and requiring no chemical refills.

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