Updated April 18, 2022
Now that the Federal Government has announced travel restrictions will be lifted for fully vaccinated Canadians, and other countries are doing the same or planning to do it, people will very likely get back out there and resume those vacations and getaways they had to cancel last year. While this is great news, we know there are certain concerns and questions roaming in people’s minds about this, and in this article, we want to answer one of them: are disinfectant sprayers allowed in flight?
Disinfectant sprayers, along with hand sanitizer gels, have become essential products in everyone’s lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. These products are especially helpful when it comes to travelling using public transportation, such as buses, trains, and airplanes, considering the diversity of contaminants passengers get exposed to.
Airplanes, for instance, are known to be a big source of numerous viruses and bacteria, partly due to being enclosed spaces with recirculated air where hundreds of people spend hours in close proximity to each other; and partly due to not being deep cleaned or consistently sanitized between flights before the pandemic. These are the reasons why year after year so many people report catching the flu, a cold, or any other viral infection after having travelled by air.
To give you an idea of how unsanitary planes used to be, in 2018 the investigative TV program Marketplace, produced by CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company), revealed that the filthiest surfaces on an airplane are the seat belt, the tray table, the washroom handle, the seat pocket, and the headrest. The study was based on samples from three Canadian airlines, and it found that these five surfaces were constantly contaminated with bacteria like E. coli and staph, as well as mould, and yeast.
We're sure these facts are enough to encourage anyone to pack a bottle of disinfectant spray in their bag for their next vacation, but for those that are still wondering if disinfectant sprayers are allowed in flight, the answer is yes... with some limitations.
According to the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA), disinfectant sprayers for personal use are allowed in carry-on baggage but only in containers of up to 100 ml or 3.4 oz. These products are also allowed in checked baggage when travelling to and from Canada. “Each passenger can bring a maximum of 500 ml or 500 g per container, with a total net quantity not to exceed 2 L or 2 kg per person,” says CATSA.
One important consideration when packing disinfectant sprayers, whether it is in a carry-on or checked baggage, is to protect release valves on aerosols with a cap or other suitable means to avoid containers from releasing the product by mistake.
Meanwhile, in the United States the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) allow disinfectant sprayers as long as they are not aerosols or flammable, don't contain bleach, and don't go over 3.4 oz, if it is in a carry-on bag.

How to Disinfect Your Space on a Plane
Before you board your next flight, it is important to know how to properly disinfect the surfaces you will come in contact with. This is something you should do the moment you get to your seat, and we cannot stress this enough, as touching these surfaces filled with bacteria, germs, and viruses, and then touching one’s face is exactly how infections and diseases spread.
The best approach is to have your small bottle of disinfectant spray on hand, and as soon as you board the plane, start by spraying the tray table, armrests, entertainment system touchscreen, and window blinds (if you have the window seat). You can even consider spraying the handle of the overhead bin and the air vent knobs if you plan on touching those too. Finally, make sure to sanitize your hands, and try to avoid touching your face as much as possible.
Spraying your surrounding surfaces in flight should be enough to keep you safe, but it is also recommended to wear a face mask for as long as you can to reduce the possibility of inhaling airborne contaminants. This is just an additional precaution because most airplanes these days have air filters, which are said to remove the most harmful airborne particles.
Another important recommendation for your next flight is spraying the washroom door handles and everything you touch in there if you get up to use the toilet. Remember that planes have 1 or 2 washrooms for dozens of passengers, so these spaces are usually heavily contaminated. And, If you forget your disinfectant spray on your seat by any chance and cannot turn back, then use a paper towel to touch every surface of the washroom and then sanitize your hands as soon as you return to your seat.
Our last recommendation is to use your disinfectant sprayers now that you know that they are in fact allowed in flight. So, don't be afraid to disinfect your space, because your seat neighbour will probably do the same. Just make sure to choose a disinfectant solution with natural ingredients and a neutral smell, to avoid disturbing other passengers.

Stay Safe from Delta and Omicron Variants In Flight
Just because you're going to be thousands of feet above the ground, it doesn't mean you will get rid of COVID-19 or the Delta and Omicron variants. In fact, these highly transmissible mutations thrive in enclosed spaces with multiple people, like airplanes.
To keep yourself and your travel companions safe from Delta and Omicron, a combination of protection and disinfection works best. You need to protect your airways by continuing to wear masks unless you are eating or drinking, and making sure to properly disinfect and sanitize the space you will be occupying on the plane by following the instructions given in the prior section of this article. In addition, we suggest you limit contact with other passengers that appear to be sick, sneezing, coughing or simply look unwell.
Best Disinfectant Products for Your Next Flight
If you are already planning your next vacation but feel uncertain about how to stay safe on a plane, keep reading because at Disinfect & Fog we have everything you need, including a couple of compact and travel-friendly disinfectant sprayers for your next flight.
First, you need to pack our Mini Nano Sanitizer Sprayer. As we have said many times before, this model is ideal for disinfecting anything, anywhere, so you can use it to disinfect surfaces in flight, as well as surfaces in public washrooms, restaurants, and enclosed spaces like elevators. It will become your best vacation buddy, you’ll see.
What makes the Mini Nano Sanitizer Sprayer so great is its portability and size. Its little reservoir has a capacity for 30 ml of disinfectant solution, which is less than half of what airport authorities allow, so you cannot go wrong with it. Additionally, this mini disinfecting sprayer comes with a USB charging cable and an internal battery that can be used for 20 minutes continuously before needing to be recharged.
The second product you need to pack is a refill of our Ultra-Lyte Disinfectant, the perfect disinfectant solution for your Mini Nano Sanitizer Sprayer. This is an all-natural spray-on sanitizer and disinfectant with powerful antimicrobial properties. It is effective against pathogens such as the Human Coronavirus, Norovirus, Escherichia coli, Listeria, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, and Influenza A (H1N1).
Third, don't forget your hands! You can’t hop on a plane without our SaniGO Sanitizer Wrist Band, a flexible, durable, waterproof, and easy to clean accessory that is the perfect complement for a safe and healthy vacation. The best part about it is that you won’t even notice it because it fits just like a watch around your wrist, and it holds up to 15 mL of your favourite hand sanitizer gel.
And that is it. We hope to have cleared up your doubts about disinfectant sprayers being allowed on flights or not. We also hope to have encouraged you to get back out there and explore the world. We know that it's still a bit scary, but you just have to know which disinfectant products and accessories to take with you on vacation to ensure you and everyone around you will stay safe and healthy throughout the journey.
If you have any other urgent questions about how we may be able to help you, feel free to call us at 1-855-561-4512.