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Residential Disinfecting

About The Client

Single parents are struggling during COVID-19 more than ever. With the challenges of creating an environment of school to allow for virtual learning, parents across the country have found themselves in unprecedented times. However, those are not the only challenges Canadian families face today. One of the most concerning aspects of their livelihood is their safety, and the constant worry of whether the right precautions are being taken to avoid the deadly virus. Our client, Alia, is a single mother who is currently working from home while finishing her PhD. Her kids were recently homeschooled due to COVID-19 and she has shared the challenges she has gone through in order to ensure the proper disinfecting tools were always there to ensure her family’s safety.

The challenge

In Spring of 2020, Alia found herself very unfamiliar with the proper precautions of disinfecting. With the short supply in disinfecting wipes, and material across the nation; Alia quickly found herself researching other disinfecting methods that were going to yield the same results. That is when she came across Disinfect & Fog. With a recent challenge of a water leak in her living room, Alia had multiple plumbers within her home at once, creating an environment of worry for the safety of her children. The client knew she had to take the right measures to ensure the workers’ safety, while also keeping in mind her family’s safety as well. 

The Solution

Alia spoke with James about the purchase of disinfectant and disinfecting devices that will work great for around the house. She initially purchased 2 gallons of Environize Anolyte disinfectant, and the Cordless Portable Fogger. Alia found these two to work wonders at disinfecting the house and keeping the worries at bay. Since the water leak situation in her home, Alia has actually went back and purchased four more gallons of Environize Anolyte disinfectant to ensure that the areas that have now become her kids’ school and her workspace are also safe enough to be a home. In a recent call with our client, she has also expressed interest in purchasing the Mini Nano Personal Sanitizer Sprayer, as an on-the-go device for her children and herself.

Contact us today to find out more about how we can help your business.